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Entering Your Dojo - Level 1: Earth Fundamentals Course
The Dojo Online Reference Center and Learning Courses Introduction (2:29)
I am ready to begin my journey. Any suggestions? (2:19)
Companion books. Mr. Norcross talks about good beginner books for your library. (10:35)
How is it Made? Subscriber question: Can we see how you make certificates? (10:16)
Entering Your Dojo - How To's for Everyone (29:21)
How to Tie the Keikogi Top (1:23)
How to Tie Your Belt - Methods 1 and 2 (3:29)
What are they? Kyahan - Ninja Leggings (2:53)
How do I line up for class? - Dojo Etiquette and Manners (5:45)
The Student Creed - Say it Every Day to Stay Strong (6:57)
Building Strong Legs - Squat and Bo exercise drill with Sensei Norfleet (7:52)
Fists, Strikes and Kicks of The Dojo (25:01)
The Basics of Ukemi - Receiving the Ground Intro (0:55)
How to Fall Forward without injury- Zenpo Ukemi (2:33)
Falling Backwards without Injury - Ushiro Nagare & Getting back to your feet, Skillfully (2:51)
How to do a Sitting Back Roll - Ushiro Kaiten (5:24)
How to do a Standing Backward Roll - Tachi Ushiro Kaiten (3:39)
How to do a basic Front Roll safely - Zenpo Kaiten (2:43)
How to go from a sitting to a Standing Front Roll - Tachi Zenpo Kaiten (5:36)
How to do a simple sideways roll - Yoko Kaiten (3:14)
How to get off of the ground, skillfully. (3:52)
Fall into the Guard Position. Fall Like a Warrior with Sensei Danes (2:01)
Class clips - Sensei Danes gives a few tips on a choke. Tap out detail. Students training in class. (3:57)
The Dojo Motto - Kanji in detail. What does it all mean? with Sensei Norcross (11:22)
Words and PronounciationsJapanese Martial Terms and Pronunciations - Taekwondo, Budo, Karate, Kung Fu, Jujutsu, Wushu, Samurai, (13:54)
Level 1 Earth Techniques - By Month and Week
The First Stance - Shizen no Kamae - The Natural Position is actually light (1:00)
Jan, April, July, October Week 1 - Earth Hook Punch Defense - Striking the Mountain (4:28)
Jan, April, July, October Week 2 - Escape from a 2-Handed Choke (Triple Triangle Strike) (8:36)
Jan, April, July, October Week 3 - Double Wrist Grab Escape (6:15)
January, April, July, October Week 4 - Goho Geri 5 Kicking Methods (19:55)
Jan/April/July/October Week 4 - Go Ho Geri - 5 Basic Kicking Methods - Target Drill for you. (1:35)
February, May, August, November Week 1 - Earth Low Punch Defense - Striking the Tree (2:54)
February, May, August, November Week 2 - Rear Single Arm Grab (Lifting Escape) (2:36)
February, may, August, November Week 3 - Earth Tackle Defense (Sprawl, Stop, Elbow Drop) (5:18)
February, May, August, November Week 4 - Earth Cross Wrist Grab Defense (Arm Bar) (4:48)
March, June, September, December Week 1 - Earth Straight Punch Deflection - Outside Sword Wedge (5:02)
March, June, September, December Week 2 - Earth Rear Double Shoulder Grab (Elbow Hip Throw) (3:44)
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February, May, August, November Week 2 - Rear Single Arm Grab (Lifting Escape)
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