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A Ninja's Code of Ethics and Philosophy Lectures
Fill in your Life-Cards and then play them!
Every skill-card will make you a better person, and warrior. (5:01)
Philosophy and Inspirational Talks
A Warrior's Code of Ethics and Morals for a modern, hectic World (6:23)
The Five Elements explained in detail - Martial Philosophy (13:09)
Martial Arts Philosophy - Isshin Mushin Zanshin - Three Stages of Conflict (7:16)
I Regret Quitting. How Do I Stay Motivated? "Fight Toward the Light!" says Sensei. (15:37)
Trusting the Steel - Why we train with weapons. It's about purpose. (4:36)
Intent into Action part 4 - Run Toward Responsibility (12:09)
Daily Gratefulness is Essential to our Happiness (0:59)
Life is Short. (2:11)
An Empowerment Visualization to Seize the Day with Sensei Norcross (2:24)
Things to Remember When We Get Down (14:15)
Takamatsu Toshitsugu (the 33rd grandmaster) on the Ultimate Happiness (2:37)
Family Gratefulness Meditation with Sensei Norcross
Visualization and importance of family's who support us. (2:49)
The Art of Apologizing with Sensei Norcross (4:44)
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An Empowerment Visualization to Seize the Day with Sensei Norcross
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