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Samurai History, Ninja, Armor, Swords, Culture Entertainment, Lectures and Lessons
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Entertainment - Movie Commentary and Fight Scene Analysis (122:12)
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Shogun and Daimyo - What is the Difference? (5:01)
About Samurai Seppuku and Harakiri - Noble Warrior Death? (7:11)
The Role of the Kaishakinin with Sensei Norcross (shogun clip) (6:59)
Samurai and Ninja History - The Iga Revolt - Were they enemies of each other? (4:08)
Were Ninja Enemies of the Samurai? - A historical reading with Sensei Norcross (7:47)
Was the Sword the "Soul of the Samurai"? - Sensei's Admonition (1:43)
Did Ninja Swords Exist? (6:34)
History on the different types of Shinobi (Ninja) (2:59)
When did they use San, Sama, Sensei, Tono? Japanese Title Etiquette (2:32)
Interview Clip with Todd Norcross - Student Teacher Obligations and Warnings (8:23)
A look a samurai Leg Armor - Would they have used Judo back then? (11:52)
Truth Bombs Regarding Swords in History - Movie Moves and Padded Weaponry (13:00)
Tachi, Uchigatana, Nagamaki and Katana. What's the Difference? (15:27)
Anatomy of a Sword - A look at an antique Nihonto (28:19)
From Sand to Steel - Tamahagane and how it becomes the blade of a katana (16:51)
A Look at a Togishi - Blade Polisher from Japan (14:10)
The Art of the Guard - A look at Antique Tsuba (5:53)
Appreciating an Antique Tsuba from Muromachi Period (3:15)
One Little Knot - How do they tie the handle wrap to the Pommel on a Katana? (6:41)
What is a Kozuka? A look at an antique samurai knife (6:35)
A quick look at an old Antique Samurai Doll from the Edo Period
Japanese Art - What does Fudo Myoo represent in Eastern Culture? (5:05)
World War 1 and 2 Swords - The Dark side of Bushido and Gunto Swords (9:27)
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One Little Knot - How do they tie the handle wrap to the Pommel on a Katana?
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